Enterprises should dump their Windows 8.1 deployment plan, says Gartner

in General News , by admin

In a recent report, Steve Kleynhans, analyst from world reputed IT research organization Gartner; said, the enterprises should now consider to dump their Windows 8.1 deployment plan in awake of the Windows 10 news. Gartner revealed that for enterprises it is more worthy to migrate to Windows 10 from the Windows 7 instead of having the Windows 8 or 8.1 for the upgradation.

According to the report, Windows 8 and 8.1 cannot be seen as the right choice for enterprises as the enterprise wide OS solution; instead organizations should look into their physical and nonphysical resources to plan them for Windows 10. And if they consider the resource allocation intelligently, surely the enterprises will find the Windows 7 to be a better controlled platform to migrate into Windows 10 then the Windows 8 and 8.1. (more…)

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Keeping Your Family Safer With Windows 8

in General News , by lucka

Kids today grow up online. They use computers to do their homework, play games, communicate with friends, and access the wealth of information on the web. Computers give children access to many positive experiences; however, parents face challenges in monitoring what their children see online, the people they meet, and the information they share. (more…)

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